Brock Services, LLC Corporation type is Limited Liability Company with entity number 10284468. The Legal name of the company is Brock Services, LLC. The assumed name is N/A.

The current status of the company is Good Standing. The formation date of the company is September 11, 2024, and the Duration Expiration date is Perpetual. The company’s registered address is TEXAS, UNITED STATES. The next Br due date is January 2, 2026.

The registered Agent of the company is Corporation Service Company. The Entity Address is 10343 SAM HOUSTON PARK DR. The entity’s secondary address is SUITE 200, City HOUSTON, State Province TX, Zip Code 77064-4656.

The agent country is the UNITED STATES. The Agent Phys Address is 10343 SAM HOUSTON PARK DR, Phys City – HOUSTON, Physc State Province TX, Phys Zip 77064-4656, and Phys Country is UNITED STATES.

By Admin

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