ILINK TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a private limited company established on Aug 12, 05. The company is registered and located at ROC AHMEDABAD100,000.00 with a total paid-up capital of INR 100,000.00. The current status of ILINK TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is STRIKE OFF and its listing status is NA.
U72200GJ2005PTC046604 is the CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of ILINK TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED . Its Industrial Class code is 72200, its Industrial Classification & principal business activity as per CIN is Real estate renting and business activities, and company class is Private. The company latest annual return was filed on NA.
The company category and company sub-category are Company limited by Shares and Non-govt company respectively. ILINK TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED registered email address is NA and the company registered address is B-19 INFOCITY TOWNSHIPNR GH-O . The company NIC Code is NA.
CIN | U72200GJ2005PTC046604 |
Registrar of Company | ROC AHMEDABAD |
Company Class | Private |
Date of Establishment | 8/12/2005 |
Latest Return Filed On | – |
Email Address | NA |
Business Activity |
Real estate renting and business activities
Paid up Capital Information | INR 100,000.00 |
Authorized Capital Information | INR 100,000.00 |
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