MARDIA EXTRUSIONS LIMITED is a private limited company established on Mar 28, 80. The company is registered and located at ROC MUMBAI. The registered authorised capital of MARDIA EXTRUSIONS LIMITED is INR 85,000,000.00 and paid up capital is INR 76,000,000.00. The current status of MARDIA EXTRUSIONS LIMITED is AMAL and its listing status is NA.

L74999MH1980PLC022439 is the CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of MARDIA EXTRUSIONS LIMITED. Its Industrial Class code is 74999, its Industrial Classification & principal business activity as per CIN is Real estate renting and business activities, and company class is Public.

The company category and company sub-category are Company limited by Shares and Non-govt company respectively. MARDIA EXTRUSIONS LIMITED registered email address is [email protected] and the company registered address is J-55 M I D C INDUSTRIA AREABOISAR-TARAPURDIST THANE BOISAR. The company NIC Code is NA.


 CIN  L74999MH1980PLC022439
 Registrar of Company  ROC MUMBAI
 Company Class  Public
 Date of Establishment  28/3/80
 Latest Return Filed On   31/3/13
 Email Address  [email protected]
 Business Activity
 Real estate renting and business activities


 Paid up Capital Information  INR 76,000,000.00
 Authorized Capital Information  INR 85,000,000.00

Also Read: Company Details




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