AQUA DRINKS P LTD is a Private limited company established on Feb 15, 91. The company is registered and located at ROC MUMBAI. The registered authorised capital of AQUA DRINKS P LTD is INR 200,000.00 and paid up capital is INR .00 respectively. The current status of AQUA DRINKS P LTD is STRIKE OFF and its listing status is NA.
U15540MH1991PTC060327 is the CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of AQUA DRINKS P LTD. Its Industrial Class code is 15540, its Industrial Classification & principal business activity as per CIN is Manufacturing, and its company class is Private.
The company category and company sub-category are Company limited by Shares and Non-govt company respectively. AQUA DRINKS P LTD registered email address is NA and the company registered address is E-79, SHIV KIRTI COOP HSGCHINCHOLI BUNDER ROADMALAD WEST, BOMBBAY. The company NIC Code is NA.
Company Name | AQUA DRINKS P LTD |
CIN | U15540MH1991PTC060327 |
Registrar of Company | ROC MUMBAI |
Company Class | Private |
Date of Establishment | Feb 15, 91 |
Latest Return Filed On | Not Available |
Email Address | NA |
Business Activity |
Paid up Capital Information | INR 0.00 |
Authorized Capital Information | INR 200,000.00 |
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