DARSHVI FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICESPRIVATE LIMITED is a private limited company established on Jan/30/2020. The company is registered and located at ROC¬†MUMBAI. Its reported share capital is 100000 with a total paid-up capital of 50000. The company’s Principal Business Activity as per CIN is Other community social and personal service activities. The current status of DARSHVI FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICESPRIVATE LIMITED is ACTV. As per records from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), the latest year’s annual return was filed on Jan/00/1900 and the latest year’s financial statement was filed on Jan/00/1900. U93090MH2020PTC336885 is the CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of DARSHVI FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICESPRIVATE LIMITED and its Industrial Class is 93090. The company category and company sub-category are Company limited by Shares and Non-govt company respectively. The registered email address of the company is [email protected]. The registered office address of DARSHVI FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICESPRIVATE LIMITED is Room No. 2, Gr Floor, C 1, Walmiki NagarMaharshi Valmiki Marg, M L Camp
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