MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LIMITED is a private limited company established on NA. The company is registered and located at ROC Delhi. Its reported share capital is INR 00 with a total paid-up capital of INR 0. The current status of MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LIMITED is Active and its listing status is -NA-.
F01027 is the CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LIMITED. Its company’s Industrial Classification & principal business activity as per CIN is Unclassified and company class is Unclassified. The company category and company sub-category are Unclassified and Unclassified respectively. The registered office address is 402, 4th Floor, Worldmark-2, Asset Area 8, Aerocity, Hospitality DistrictNA-New Delhi-Delhi-110037-India. The company NIC Code is NA and the company is a Foreign entity.
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