Improve Your Gameplay

Do you feel stuck in ELO hell and don’t know how to climb out of it? Stop tilting, take in our six pro tips, and start climbing the ranks!

1.   Get to Know Your Role & Champion(s)

Finding a role and champion that suits your playstyle and sticking with them is among the most effective rank-up strategies. Start learning the roles that suit your play style. Are you more comfortable playing a tanky champion who excels at controlling the top lane or a jungler who roams the map and provides vital assistance when it’s time to gank an opponent?

Next, pick a champion that fulfills the role well. Learn the ins and outs of playing them, their strengths and weaknesses, loadouts, combos, etc. You’ll also want to study the champions you’re most likely to go up against. Once you reach Silver or higher, it’s wise to start considering the meta and ways to prepare for it. Even so, avoid the temptation to juggle heroes until you fully grasp the game’s finer points.

2.   Master Wave Management

Wave management is a crucial concept in LoL. Doing it right ensures a steady stream of gold and experience while frustrating enemies by denying them kills and leaving them vulnerable. If you’re new to the game, start by working on your CS or Creep Score. This means scoring the last hit on minions to get the gold reward. Killing off your own low-health minions is also crucial for slowing enemies’ gain.

As you progress, you’ll want to start practicing different wave management strategies. Learn when to freeze the lane and when to push toward towers and inhibitors.

3.   Master the Map

Summoner’s Rift is the only map in ranked play, which makes memorizing the specifics much easier. Depending on your role, you’ll spend most of your time either in one lane or roaming the jungle. Still, you need a solid grasp of the entire battlefield to be useful to your teammates.

Keep timed events like dragon, rift herald, and baron spawns in mind. As games progress to the mid and endgame phases, you’ll need to account for more roaming and the increased importance of warding. Knowing where to be at what time can turn a shaky stalemate into the push your team needs to achieve victory.

4.   Communication is Key

Focusing on your role will serve you well in lower tiers as you’re picking up the basics of ranked play. However, countering the mastery players have over their champions at higher ranks is only possible through team effort.

Practice map awareness and pinging at appropriate times. You can do so to request help or alert team members to threats they might not be aware of. Use the chat to your advantage as well. Lashing out won’t help anyone and just leads to frustration and teammate dropouts, so try to make the best out of any situation even if a loss seems inevitable.

5.   Practice Consistently

Achieving a high LoL rank takes time and dedication. Focused everyday practice will get you far if you do it right. We mean the type of practice with a specific goal in mind. For example, you could use the practice tool to train your muscle memory to execute combos or experiment with different gear setups.

You’re bound to lose some of the time, so turn such games into learning experiences. You could hone your CS rate or experiment with pathing. Some high-level players regularly deliver quality content, so check out some advanced guides and match replays to learn from the best.

6.   Secure Your Game

The last thing you want after putting hundreds of hours into mastering the game is to try to log on one day only to find your account was hacked. It’s easy to prevent this by setting up a long and unique password and securing it with MFA. A password manager for Windows offers both, and you should use one to protect all your important accounts with these advanced measures.

Sometimes, your ISP can be a more dangerous opponent than the opposing team if you experience constant lags or throttling. A VPN may help in that case since its servers may be closer to the game server and offer lower ping. Better yet, VPNs let you sneak a game or three in when you’re on vacation since they can bypass geographical restrictions. If you are looking for a VPN to increase your speed, check out the VPN comparison table on Reddit.

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By Admin

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