SUMOSAVE SUPERMARKET TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a private limited company established on Aug 25, 2023. The company is registered and located at ROC Delhi. Its reported share capital is INR 80000008000000 with a total paid-up capital of INR 5331600. The current status of SUMOSAVE SUPERMARKET TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is Active and its listing status is Unlisted.
U46499DL2023PTC419115 is the CIN (Corporate Identification Number) of SUMOSAVE SUPERMARKET TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED. Its company’s Industrial Classification & principal business activity as per CIN is WHOLESALETRADE,EXCEPTOFMOTORVEHICLESANDMOTORCYCLES and company class is Private. The company category and company sub-category are Company limited by shares and Non-government company respectively. The registered office address is 307, KUSHAL BAZAR, 32-33Nehru Place-New Delhi-Delhi-110019-India. The company NIC Code is 46499 and the company is a Indian entity.
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