Post-Install WSUS Configuration Fails With Error “HTTP status 503: Service Unavailable.”

I encountered this issue in my lab, when trying to setup WSUS for my SCCM server (to use as a Software Update Point). So after installing the WSUS role (using a SQL database, and not the WID option), you will notice that there are some post-install configuration required. When you click on the ‘Launch Post-Installation…

Unleash The Power Of Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS)

Recently I published an article on some of the new features of System Center Operations Manager 2016 Technical Preview 2. Within that list of features, is the integration between Operations Manager (SCOM) and the new Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS); formerly called Operational Insight (or Ops Insight for short). Today, we’re going to explore the Microsoft Operations…

This Blog Will Show You About The New Digital Technology In Thailand

This Blog Will Show You About The New Digital Technology In Thailand

Thailand, the honeymoon destination for the world is widely known for its natural beauty. In the last few years, the technology adoption in Thailand has changed the whole scenario. Thailand, the Land of Smile is emerging as the new digital tech advanced country. In this article, I will explain the tech advancements done by Thailand…

Errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=Could Not Find The Specified Shortcut.&errorcode=4 | Solve Apple Device Error Easily

Errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=Could Not Find The Specified Shortcut.&errorcode=4 | Solve Apple Device Error Easily

There is some issue on my Macbook that I noticed recently. I got an error message saying Errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=Could Not Find The Specified Shortcut.&errorcode=4. After many contacts with Apple support, I finally resolved this issue. However, in my thread discussion, there are so many users asking about the same issue with their Apple products. But after…

Using Application Security Groups (ASGs) with VNet Peering and Their Limitations

This is a scenario that a client recently asked about, and through my research, I discovered some limitations. The question, in short, is: Can we use/reference Application Security Groups (ASGs) in a Network Security Group (NSG) through VNet Peering? First, allow me to explain the environment architecture.  The Environment Within this environment, there are multiple Azure…